Hard SQL: Two Lawyers Who Worked in the Most Trials Together


In an effort to address feedback that the “Two Lawyers” SQL scenario was attaining high scores for only minimal solutions, we’ve adjusted the rubric such that there are now three items that track the progress the candidate makes in the sub-tasks.

  • Determined all pairs of attorneys who have worked together on cases (0-2 scale)
  • Identified pair of lawyers with highest number of cases worked together (0-2 scale)
  • Gathered all trials associated with pair of lawyers with highest number of cases worked together (0-2 scale)

Each of the above items has a 0-2 where “1” means the candidate made an attempt at the subtask, and “2” means the candidate got it correct. Other changes include a re-weighting of existing rubric items, including reducing the weight for lesser tasks like commenting and string concatenation.

How did we do?

Data Architecture - Schema/Model

Architecture Debugging - Brainstorm
