Why Woven Enforces Unique Candidate Links
by Shayna Pittman
Why Woven Enforces Unique Candidate Links
Every candidate invited to Woven receives a unique link that will log them in automatically to take their assessment. We do this for several reasons:
- Anti-Cheating: We previously supported the option of non-unique links. A small, but consistent percentage of candidates would use that link to first look at the scenario anonymously, then take it “for real” after having time to prepare. We are often still able to identify that based on behavior, but moving to unique links drastically decreased how often we saw this behavior.
- Better Candidate Experience: Candidates can skip logging in entirely, so one fewer step in their assessment process!
- One time only: Unique links make it impossible for candidates to sign up to take the assessment multiple times under different names.
- Speed: Sometimes candidates don’t provide the same name and email address we have on record, so we have to reconcile them manually. With unique candidate links, we’ll all but eliminate those situations, ensuring we get recommendations delivered to you and feedback to candidates as quickly as we can.
The downside of this is that each candidate needs to be invited individually. Luckily, we have many automated and semi-automated of performing unique candidate invites depending on how the Applicant Tracking System and job boards you are using. Woven can also save you time by sending these invite emails on your behalf at no extra cost. How this would work:
- Create an email address that Woven can communicate to candidates by using your domain (engineering-jobs@yourdomain.com
- When you invite a candidate in your dashboard, you will still enter the candidates first and last name and email address and then Woven will send the candidate a handoff email (from engineering-jobs@yourdomain.com), explaining that Woven is the next step in their candidate journey.
- Next, Woven will send the candidate an intro email (from candidates@woventeams.com) with information about the assessment.