Locating rejected, withdrawn or hired candidates in Woven

Once a candidate is marked as rejected, withdrawn or hired, they are stored in the "post Woven" view on the role detail page. To find these candidates: 


1. Navigate to your Woven dashboard.


2. Click View Candidates on the specific role.

Click on Software Engineer…
3. Click on the Post Woven tab.
Click on Post Woven 1


4. Select Inactive candidates from the drop-down menu.

Select Inactive


Rejected, withdrawn and hired candidates will be displayed for your view. 

Click on June Javascript…
Have more questions? Don't hesitate to contact us at help@woventeams.com


1. The first step is to open Dashboard and click highlight

Step 1 image

2. Scroll and click Post Woven 1

Step 2 image

3. Click Active

Step 3 image

4. Select Inactive

Step 4 image

5. Scroll down and that's it. You're done.

Step 5 image

** Best experienced in Full Screen (click the icon in the top right corner before you begin) **


How did we do?

Downloading a candidate's code from a recommendation
