Candidate Feedback FAQ

Shayna Pittman Updated by Shayna Pittman

Candidate Feedback FAQ

Q: Why does Woven send a feedback email to candidates after their assessment has been scored?

A: An important value of Woven is that every candidate deserves feedback on their work. The feedback provided by Woven Engineers to the candidate is also a part of what makes Woven unique. 

Q: Are scores or next steps provided to the candidate?

A: No, the feedback email includes actionable feedback on their work and we do not share the Woven Score nor next steps in their process. We let them know that the company they applied with will be reaching out to follow up.

Q: When is the feedback email sent and can I pick when it is sent?

A: The feedback email is sent to the candidate at the same time the recommendation is delivered to you. We are not able to customize the time when it goes out.

Q: Will I be CC'ed on the feedback email to candidates?

A: While you are not CC'ed on the email the link is available on the recommendation so that you can see what was said and reference as needed.

Q: Can I turn off sending the feedback email to candidates?

A: Yes, we are able to turn this automation off however we'd love to take the load off of your engineers from reviewing/editing feedback since part of our success criteria together is saving engineering time. Generally, the way we do this is by making it clear to candidates that this is 3rd party feedback from Woven as a value-add service to the candidate, and not feedback your team is specifically 100% endorsing. Let's work together to edit what is being sent.

Q: What does the feedback email currently say?

A: Hi {candidate_first_name},

Thanks for making time to go through our Founding Engineer scenarios! Our goal was to get a little bit of insight into how you solve real-world problems. We hope you found it interesting.

We’ve passed your full scenario set and our analysis along to the hiring manager, who will get back to you soon if they haven’t already. In the meantime, here’s how your solution compared to some of the others we’ve seen:


Some of these items are weighted more heavily than others, but hopefully this feedback is helpful for any future challenges you may encounter, or even your day-to-day work.

Expect to hear from the SilkChart team within a few days on next steps. Thanks again for your time!

-- Wes WinlerFounder/CEO, Woven

P.S. We’re always looking to improve our candidate experience. If you have a moment, reply to this email and answer two questions: on a scale of 1-5, how actionable is this feedback? If not a 5, what would have made it a 5?

Example of a Feedback email to the candidate that highlights Woven as the 3rd part:

Hi {candidate_first_name},

Thanks for making time to go through the {Role Name} scenarios! Our goal was to get a little bit of insight into how you solve real-world problems. We hope you found it interesting.

One of our biggest beefs with traditional technical assessments is that they’re a black box for candidates, so here is Woven’s analysis of how your solutions compare to some others we’ve seen:


Some of these items are weighted more heavily than others, but we hope that this feedback might be helpful for any future interviews, or day-to-day work.

We’ve passed your solutions and our analysis along to the {Company Name} team. Expect to hear from them soon on next steps. Thanks again for your time!

-- Wes Winler

Founder/CEO, Woven

How did we do?

Candidates who have previously take a Woven Assessment

Tips for Maximizing Candidate Completion Rate
