What does a score of 100 mean in Woven?

Interpreting Woven Scores

It’s important that you feel confident interpreting Woven scores and using them to make decisions about advancing and declining candidates. 

It’s helpful to start by understanding what it means when a candidate gets 100 (the highest possible score) on a given scenario. 

A “perfect” 100 out of 100 is a top ~5% score, not a perfect score

Every Woven scenario has an extremely detailed rubric. On some of our longer scenarios especially, it could be possible to score 100 points (for example). 

It is not, however, usually necessary to hit all 100 rubric items in order to score 100 on the scenario. As part of our rubric building and calibration process, we map responses to create what you can think of as a “grading curve”. 

If 90/100 points would be a top-scoring response, then we might set the curve so that you need 90 rubric points to score 100 overall. 

Feel like your calibration is off?

You may notice that your calibration is off if too many of your candidates are scoring extremely high or extremely low. Woven is happy to help make some adjustments. Reach out to your CSM or help@woventeams.com so we can discuss your options–moving the curve, selecting a more or less difficult scenario, or evaluating other skills entirely.

How did we do?

Woven Scoring System and Philosophy

Increasing Scenario Time Limits
