Adding Woven API to Customers Website

Shayna Pittman Updated by Shayna Pittman

How to add integrate Woven on a customer's website

This is something we can do as we have an API via email that will allow candidates to request a test via the customer's platform

Your system would need to send an email that conforms to our spec

  1. Each assessment in Woven has a special email address that you can CC to make an invite. For example, the Data Engineer address could be (you can view each address from the "Email Templates" button on the role)
  2. The email itself can come from any email address from @youdoamn.
  3. The candidate's email address goes into the To field
  4. The subject line of the email must be `Next step on your {your company name} application, { candidate name } (where the candidate's replaces the brackets

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