Customer Support

Trade-offs Between AI Programming Assistant use in Assessments

Trade-offs Between AI Programming Assistant use in Assessments. Allow optional use : Candidates who choose not to use GPT-4 (or haven't acquired that skill) will have a very large disadvantage. To qu…

Shayna Pittman
Updated by Shayna Pittman

Adding Woven API to Customers Website

How to add integrate Woven on a customer's website. This is something we can do as we have an API via email that will allow candidates to request a test via the customer's platform Your system would…

Shayna Pittman
Updated by Shayna Pittman

Configuring Advance/Decline Notifications to email internal customer contacts of Hiring Manager Decision

Configuring Advance/Decline Notifications to email internal customer contacts of Hiring Manager Decision. EX: Zepz, where we've configured Woven so that staff will get an email from our team per cand…

