Customer Support

Github Pull Request (Code) Review: Candidate Submitted No Solution

Why does the Code Review Scenario say No Solution? For the pull request review scenario, we try very hard to coach candidates to use the Add single comment button rather than Start a review flow in G…

Shayna Pittman
Updated by Shayna Pittman

The Value of CoC Detection in Woven Assessments

The Value of Code of Conduct (CoC) Detection in Woven Assessments. While CoC detection systems aren't perfect, they're crucial for maintaining assessment integrity, especially for entry-level hiring.…

Shayna Pittman
Updated by Shayna Pittman

Trade-offs Between AI Programming Assistant use in Assessments

Trade-offs Between AI Programming Assistant use in Assessments. Allow optional use : Candidates who choose not to use GPT-4 (or haven't acquired that skill) will have a very large disadvantage. To qu…

Shayna Pittman
Updated by Shayna Pittman

Adding Woven API to Customers Website

How to add integrate Woven on a customer's website. This is something we can do as we have an API via email that will allow candidates to request a test via the customer's platform Your system would…

Shayna Pittman
Updated by Shayna Pittman

Configuring Advance/Decline Notifications to email internal customer contacts of Hiring Manager Decision

Configuring Advance/Decline Notifications to email internal customer contacts of Hiring Manager Decision. EX: Zepz, where we've configured Woven so that staff will get an email from our team per cand…

